South Lanarkshire Council begins rent setting consultation
![South Lanarkshire Council begins rent setting consultation](
An online survey to inform new South Lanarkshire Council rent levels for the year ahead has now opened.
The consultation will allow tenants the opportunity to give views on what they consider to be the most important council investment priorities for the coming year.
The survey can be accessed online and will remain open until Monday 16 January.
Chair of the housing and technical resources committee, Councillor Davie McLachlan, said: “We want to ensure that tenants and other customers continue to receive high quality, efficient and responsive housing services.
“At the same time, we are also committed to supporting tenants in financial difficulties and ensuring rents remain affordable. This has been a key focus as we plan ahead into 2023-24.”
In order that the council can continue to deliver high quality housing services, invest in current homes as well as build new council homes, the rent increase proposed for 2023-24 is 3.5%. Based on the average council rent, this equates to £2.67 per week.
In addition to the survey, tenants will also have the opportunity to attend virtual local area meetings in January 2023 to discuss the investment priorities and the financial challenges facing tenants and the council.