South Lanarkshire Council launches consultation on latest budget

South Lanarkshire Council launches consultation on latest budget

Proposals have been tabled for the South Lanarkshire Council’s next budget – and residents are being urged to get involved.

In particular, views are being sought on 24 options that would save up to £11.894 million in 2025-26.

The savings options were pulled together by council officers following the most recent budget strategy report, which identified a budget gap of more than £77m over the next three financial years.

Before decisions are taken by councillors, local residents and service users can tell them what they think by taking part in an online survey as well as by email or by post.

Joe Fagan, Leader of South Lanarkshire Council, said: “No decisions have been taken yet on any of these saving options. However, the brutal fact is that council services are at risk because the funding we receive has not kept up with the demand for them or the cost of delivering them.

“We have already had to find efficiencies worth more than £150m in recent years, and now we must find millions more to balance our budget once again. Every year we ask our local residents for their views and we always take into account what they say. We need their views this year more than ever.”

The total budget gap for 2025-26 is more than £22m, but a report to today’s Executive Committee noted that this could be reduced by £3m due to savings from utilities, now that energy costs are falling, and a further £2.9m from better-than-expected council tax income. The gap would be cut further by a number of management and operational measures.

Elected Members agreed to defer final decisions on the budget until early 2025, by which time the council will know what its settlement grant is from the Scottish Government. In the meantime the council will support the efforts of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities to secure the best possible funding arrangements for councils.

They further agreed that in the meantime local people should be consulted on the 24 savings options. Some are council-wide, including proposals on what is charged for some services, while others are in community and enterprise, education, housing, and finance and corporate resources.

The consultation will run until midnight on Friday 17 January. As well as online, you can take part by emailing the team or post responses to Budget Consultation, South Lanarkshire Council, Floor 4, Almada Street, Hamilton ML3 0AA.

Paper copies of the survey can be requested via the same email and postal address. The report can be accessed via the council website.

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