Stirling councillors defer decision on Plean housing development

A final decision on the approval of a major housing development in the Plean area has been deferred by Stirling Council.
The proposals from Persimmon Homes East Scotland and Story Homes Scotland to build 117 houses, including 29 affordable homes, on agricultural land between Plean and Old Plean, were discussed at a meeting of the planning and regulation panel on Tuesday.
In addition to the homes, the development would see the creation of a new access road onto Plean Main Street (A9), provision for an equipped play area and landscaped open space.
Members of the planning and regulation panel agreed to reconsider the application once the developer has provided further details on how the project would deliver socio-economic regeneration to the area.
Planning Officers had recommended that the application be approved subject to a Section 75 Legal agreement and 31 conditions listed in the report.
There were eight letters of representation, with six objections, which included:
- The impact of the development on the road network and air quality
- Inadequate access to cater for the amount of vehicles that will be using the site
- Impact on the local eco-system
- Effect of urban sprawl on the character and identity of Plean.