Stirlingshire site wins top affordable housing award

The development won the award for 'Excellence in Development for Affordable Housing'.
A housing development in Stirlingshire that has brought 50 new affordable homes to the local area has won a national award, with the partners behind the plans believing it could be a blueprint for other parts of Scotland.
Built by Lovell for Rural Stirling Housing Association, Claish Farm, just outside Callander, won the Scottish Chartered Institute for Housing (CIH) award for “Excellence in Development for Affordable Housing” at a ceremony last week.
The development consists of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom family and specific need homes with a mixture of bungalows, terraced and semi-detached houses. The now completed development saw its last resident move into their home in December 2021.
Last year, the development won Silver in the Lovell National Health & Safety Awards and was praised for accessibility and use of paving, as well as its safety procedures during Covid- and building good relationships with neighbouring businesses.
Sarah Freel, partnerships manager for Lovell, said: “Lovell are absolutely thrilled to have received this award from the Chartered Institute of Housing. We are very proud of our development at Claish Farm which has brought 50 much-needed new affordable houses to Callandar.
“Our partnership approach and the way we have worked closely with Rural Stirling Housing Association to deliver this project, demonstrates our commitment to meeting challenging affordable homes targets elsewhere in Scotland.”
Mark Griffiths, chair of Rural Stirling Housing Association, added: “It is a stunning triumph for our development at Claish Farm to be recognised in this way.
“Claish Farm represents outstanding properties built to an exacting standard and of great importance is the fact that seven of these homes are wheelchair accessible in an area where these are much needed.
“Claish Farm is yet another example of our commitment as a housing association to continue to build homes for the communities we serve.”