Strategic Housing Investment Plan agreed by Clackmannanshire Council

Clackmannanshire Council expects just over £29 million in Scottish Government funding for housing investment over the next four years, according to a new report.
A new Housing Need and Demand Assessment is due for completion next year. This emerging evidence will drive future policy around providing new homes in Clackmannanshire and ensure the SHIP remains relevant to delivering key priorities.
Among the planned developments over the next five years are: Lochies Road, Clackmannan; Lower Mill Street, Tillicoultry; Glentana Mill, Alva, Pompee Road, Sauchie and Carsebridge Road and Englen Drive, both Alloa.
The council also continues to purchase properties off the shelf to meet the housing need in Clackmannanshire. It is also looking at a number of other potential sites which could come into play if the priority sites don’t work out.
This ‘shadow programme’ of sites would ensure plans could continue at pace and they could also be added into the main programme if additional funding becomes available.
This approach allows additional flexibility to help ensure that the number of new homes and spend in Clackmannanshire is maximised.
To meet the needs of older people, those with disabilities, homeless people and those experiencing mental health issues, work is ongoing with the Integrated Joint Board of the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health & Social Care Partnership to develop an action plan which will create a framework to enable the Partnership to deliver priority objectives.
Spokesperson for housing and property, Councillor Jane McTaggart, said: “The Council is seeking to work as flexibly as possible to meet the evolving housing needs of the people of Clackmannanshire, and this plan guides development plans over the next five years that will help achieve that.
“Plans are underway across Clackmannanshire to help all our communities share in new developments of affordable housing. While we continue to deal with the challenges of increasing development costs, a key part of our progress is continuing to work innovatively with our partner Registered Social Landlords to help deliver the homes we need as quickly as possible.”