Support for Angus residents with cost of living roadshows

Angus residents can drop-in to free cost of living roadshows in Brechin and Forfar to get advice on dealing with rising food costs, money savings, benefits and support available from Angus Council and key partners across the area.
The Brechin Cost of Living Roadshow is on Wednesday 30 November at Brechin Cathedral Hall, Church Lane while the Forfar Roadshow is on Wednesday 7 December at RBLS (Royal British Legion Scotland), Academy Street – with both events on from 2pm to 6.30pm
The Angus Community Planning Partnership is bringing organisations together again to give local residents the chance to get money-related advice from council services such as vibrant communities, welfare rights, housing, council tax, rent and crisis grants (through revenues and benefits), as well as external organisations Citizens Advice Bureau, Voluntary Action Angus, ANGUSalive, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and many others.
Angus Council’s spokesperson for Welfare Rights, Poverty and Equalities, Councillor George Meechan, said: “We know people are worried financially with higher energy bills, food and housing costs and I’m pleased to see two additional roadshows running in Brechin and Forfar, extending the support available to the people of Angus.
“The council is working closely with partners and stakeholders to make sure support is available to help households in Angus and these roadshows give people the chance to speak in confidence to find out what support is available financially as well as getting advice on where to get help if needed and tips on how to make their money stretch a bit further.”
“The roadshow is open to everyone, so please come along. For those who can’t make it, please visit the council’s cost of living webpage for links to help and advice.”
As well as providing information and advice at the roadshows, there will be a cooking on a budget demonstration, grab a bags with cooking ingredients available and free period products for collection. Community café volunteers will provide free refreshments including tea, coffee and soup during the drop-in session.
The council is planning further roadshows around Angus to be held in the New Year.