Survey launched into housing provision on Arran

Arran Housing Taskforce is looking for people to share their views as part of the effort to help shape housing provision on the island.
A survey which opened yesterday will ask questions about current housing provision on the island and future aspirations.
It is hoped that homeowners and tenants, landlords, second-home owners and anyone living and working on the island – and even those considering moving to Arran – will take a few minutes to complete the survey.
Councillor Alan Hill, cabinet member for communities and islands and also chair of the housing taskforce, said it was important that as many people as possible complete the survey to ensure we have a true reflection of demand which will help determine what housing is required on the island in the years ahead.
He added: “The purpose of the survey is to give us a comprehensive and clear picture of the current and future housing needs.
“We want to know residents’ thoughts on affordable housing on the island, what their current housing situation is, and their housing aspirations.”
It is hoped that the survey will give a better picture of what additional housing is required on the island and where it needs to be.
The survey can be accessed online. After the survey closes on Sunday, 9 March, the results will be analysed and a subsequent report produced.
North Ayrshire Council established the Housing Taskforce in 2023, involving a wide range of partners, to assess the demand for affordable housing on Arran and identify issues that may be limiting economic sustainability and growth.