Talent and theatrics at Gowrie Care Glee Club

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGowrie Care’s drama group Glee Club were on top theatrical form when they delivered a dynamic and different performance of Scenes for the Wizard of Oz to a delighted audience of over 150 people at Dundee’s Space Theatre last weekend.

The drama group is a talented and diverse group of actors, singers, dancers and theatre enthusiasts who have various disabilities and support needs.

Julie Horan, Gowrie Care improvements co-ordinator, was the driving force behind bringing this unique production to the stage.

Julie said: “Performance and being involved in staging a theatre production is both extremely exciting and therapeutic for this enthusiastic group, and they were delighted to showcase their talents to an audience for the first time.

“From technical support and stage assistance to driving our performers to rehearsals, bringing this wonderful production to the stage was very much a group effort with all our volunteers and staff pulling together to deliver every aspect of the show.

“I would like to extend my thanks to everyone involved in the production, to our funders Hillcrest Housing Association, Craigowl Communities, Hillcrest Maintenance Service and Aareon, and to Dundee & Angus College for allowing us to use their wonderful facilities.”

All proceeds from the show have be added to sustaining Gowrie Care’s drama group, which will allow for more of the people Gowrie Care support to do something unique and discover new talents.


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