Taylor Wimpey eases flood concerns over Cardross proposal

Taylor Wimpey has moved to ease concerns over plans for a large housing development in Cardross.
A pre-application notice by the housebuilder for a site at Geilston Farm was discussed during a meeting of Argyll and Bute Council’s planning, protective services and licensing committee last week.
With as many as 700 new homes believed to be in the pipeline at the time, councillors aired worries that the development would present a flood risk.
Councillor Fiona Howard said: “This is a massive site right at the side of the village, which is challenged for its infrastructure. The sewage system is not great and the primary school is tiny and always full.
“I am really worried about the school and the sewage system, and this is also a flooding space they are planning to put the houses on.”
Councillor Kieron Green then said: “It is not just about drainage of the land being built on, it is also what is happening to stop flooding elsewhere. Having the open space to flood prevents it from flooding elsewhere.”
Afterwards, a Taylor Wimpey official said that up to 200 homes could be planned for the site, instead of larger figures which were speculated during the meeting.
Andrew Roberts, strategic land director for Taylor Wimpey strategic land in Scotland, said: “We want to reassure the local community that we are aware of the summary of concerns noted at this meeting and that we will address all the points raised during the consultation phase for the development.
“We would, however, like to clarify a key point about the number of new homes that our proposed development may deliver.
“During the meeting, speculative numbers of 500 and 700 homes were mentioned. Whilst indicative and still to be confirmed, it is our expectation that our proposals will be for up to 200 new homes.
“We also propose that our new homes on the site will be sensitively set within the existing landscape framework, and we will include substantial open space, planting and biodiversity enhancements.
“Furthermore, we would like to take this opportunity to advise that our proposed development will also accommodate a substantial area for sustainable urban drainage ponds, which we will ensure are sized to fully accommodate the development and provide an opportunity for betterment to the surrounding area.”
Two public events will be held in Cardross regarding the proposal, the first of which will take place on Wednesday, September 25, from 4pm to 8pm in Geilston Hall.
The second consultation event will take place on Tuesday, October 29, also from 4pm to 8pm, in the same venue.