Tenants sought for new Wheatley garden maintenance pilot

Wheatley Homes Glasgow is urging tenants in the south of the city to sign up to a new garden maintenance pilot programme.
The social landlord, which manages over 43,000 homes across Glasgow, is looking for tenants who need help with their gardens to sign up for the new scheme.
Developed in response to tenant feedback, the service will initially be offered to residents in the south of Glasgow as a pilot, and would see Wheatley’s Neighbourhood Environmental Team (NETs) provide professional garden maintenance services at an affordable cost.
The pilot would see tenants receive regular grass and hedge cutting from April to October, hedge trimming, weed removal, and other necessary garden maintenance.
To introduce the programme, the landlord needs at least 300 tenants to sign up by April. The estimated cost will be around £9 per week, with a four-weekly payment option available.
Steven Gray, director of environmental services at Wheatley Group, said: “Tenants have asked us if we can help them maintain their gardens. This new pilot will allow us to discover the demand for this service and whether we would be able to roll it out going forward.
“We believe the new service would be popular among tenants and would allow our experienced Neighbourhood Environmental Teams (NETs) to continue to make a big difference to communities across the city.”
Wheatley Homes Glasgow’s NETs play a crucial role in maintaining clean and safe neighbourhoods across the city. In 2024, they removed over 18,000 tonnes of bulk waste, cleaned a quarter of a million stairwells, and carried out work on over 100,000 backcourts across its communities in Glasgow.