Tenants to remain ‘at the heart’ of Regulator’s 2019/20 programme

Michael Cameron
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published a summary of its planned programme for the following year in which it pledges to “keep tenants and service users at the heart of its work”.
Highlights of the programme include a new three-year corporate plan and implementing its new Regulatory Framework.
The summary shows that the Regulator will also provide a regulatory status indicating compliance with standards for all RSLs by March 2020, publish national charter analysis and individual landlord reports in August and launch a new website.
A planned engagement with all RSLs and local authorities has been set out in its published engagement plans.
As part of the new Regulatory Framework implementation, the Regulator will support RSLs and local authorities to prepare their first annual assurance statements, which it will use to inform its annual risk assessment of all landlords. In March 2020 it will publish a regulatory status for all RSLs.
This will set out the level of compliance each RSLs has against SHR’s regulatory standards.
Michael Cameron, chief executive, said: “This year we will keep tenants at the heart of our work as we carry out our planned engagement with RSLs and local authorities. It’s an important time for landlords as they work to effectively embed the new requirements over the first year of our new Framework.
“We will support RSLs and local authorities as they prepare their first annual assurance statements and we work together with SFHA, GWSF and ALACHO to develop a self-assurance toolkit to help boards and committee members to ask the right questions and get the assurance they need.”