Tender for Scotland Excel’s New Build Residential Framework goes live

The tender is live for Scotland Excel’s New Build Residential Framework – the organisation’s largest construction framework that is forecast to be worth £1.5 billion over four years.
Companies can now bid to join the second generation framework that will help councils and housing associations form contracts with suppliers to deliver their new build housing projects.
The framework will help organisations procure the design and build of a range of properties - including houses, flats, care homes, student accommodation and social rented or mixed tenure.
Julie Welsh, chief executive of Scotland Excel, said: “I am delighted the tender is now live for the second generation of our New Build Residential Framework. This framework forms an important part of our construction portfolio and gives our members vital support in procuring the design and build of wide range of properties as they work to meet national policy objectives for building new social housing.”
This is an open tender and all potential suppliers are invited to bid. It can be found at Public Contracts Scotland.
The tender will close for bids on 13 May 2024 and the evaluation process will begin. It is hoped the framework will go live in autumn 2024.