TIS provides health and social care integration learning opportunity for tenants
Associates from the Joint Improvement Team (JIT) facilitated two workshops of 50 delegates about the integration of health and social care at the TIS conference on June 6.
The workshops, facilitated by Simon Carr and Jill Pritchard of the JIT, invited delegates to consider integration from the perspective of their localities, what they thought the local priorities might be, what information they need to get involved and how could the Joint Improvement Team help them.
As well as explaining about the work of the Joint Improvement Team delegates heard why the government had decided that some health and social care functions should be delegated to new organisations.
Participants heard how health and social care integration was part of a wider public service reform agenda to ensure that we make a decisive shift to prevention and that because of our ageing population we needed to ensure we make the best use of the resources we have.
Delegates were keen to know how they could get involved and make sure that their views were going to be heard.
Simon and Jill explained that a key reason for the reforms was to ensure that health and social care services were to be designed from locality level up to board level and that the needs of local communities was going to form the basis of Strategic Plans.
Participants heard that each of the 32 partnership areas would have at least 2 localities and that representatives from each locality would sit on the Strategic Planning Group of the authority. It was intended that localities would become the engine room of integration making sure that the boards of the new partnerships took the needs of each localities needs into account.
Guidance in respect of locality planning has not yet been circulated in its final form, when it was published the JIT would ensure it was widely circulated. Participants were hopeful that the guidance and the locality planning process was straightforward and that the language used was accessible to activists and tenants alike.
If readers or workshop delegates require any further information about the integration of health and social care then please contact simoncarr54@gmail.com or jill_pritchard@sky.com.