TPAS Scotland and HouseMark Scotland hold first VFM event

Tenants and officers from across Scotland congregated at the Wheatley Academy in Glasgow on Friday 21st October for the first and very successful Value for Money event delivered jointly by TPAS Scotland and HouseMark Scotland.
Kirsty Wells, Head of HouseMark Scotland, explored with delegates how to define VFM and why it is important that tenants and landlords work together to agree local definitions of VFM.
Lesley Baird, Chief Executive of TPAS Scotland, highlighted the links between VFM, participation and scrutiny. Two excellent practical examples of involving tenants in VFM scrutiny exercises were presented by the Link Group and North Ayrshire Council.
Max Scotto, Tenant Participation Officer with Kingdom Housing Association, commented: “Fantastic day. I really benefited from hearing the experiences of improving rent consultation with tenants in North Ayrshire as well as Link’s success in reducing gas servicing costs and improving tenant satisfaction as a result.”