Tributes paid to former Highlands councillor Val MacIver

Tributes paid to former Highlands councillor Val MacIver

The Highland Council pays tribute to former councillor Val MacIver who sadly passed on Wednesday 17 July 2024.

Val was elected as an independent councillor to serve the Ferindonald Ward in Ross and Cromarty Area of The Highland Council in 1995 and again in 2003 prior to which she was a Highland Regional Councillor in 1990 also for Ferindonald.

She was chair of Highland Regional Council’s education committee and in 1991 contributed to the creation of the University of the Highlands and Islands as she chaired a steering group set up by Highland Regional Council to examine the case for a university.

In 1995 Val continued as chair of Highland Council’s education committee and was also chair of Ross and Cromarty area education committee and vice chair of Ross and Cromarty area cultural and leisure committee.

She retired from membership of The Highland Council at the final meeting of Highland Council before the elections on 6 May 1999.

In 2003 she was re-elected to serve Highland Council’s Ferindonald Ward and was appointed as chair of Highland Council’s Ross and Cromarty area planning, development Europe and tourism committee.

Throughout her terms as councillor, she was also a member of housing and social work, policy and resources, finance personnel, planning, and property committees and also served on the police board.

Convener of The Highland Councill Cllr Bill Lobban said: “It is with great sadness that we learn of Val’s passing. Although retired from duties as a councillor she was never far from council business and kept an active eye on planning committee proceedings as a frequent visitor to the council chamber over the years.

“I extend my deepest condolences to her family and friends from fellow Members and staff of The Highland Council who knew her well.”

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