Tributes pour in for Julia Fitzpatrick

Julia Fitzpatrick
Figures from across the housing sector have paid tribute to housing veteran Julia Fitzpatrick who passed away last month.
Julia passed away on December 29th after being diagnosed with bowel cancer.
Having started her careers with spells at SSHA and Lister Housing Co-operative, Julia worked for Blackwood from January 2009 until May 2010 first as operations consultant and then serving as operations director.
Julia joined Horizon Housing Association as chief executive in 2010 and held this post until 2018. During her time with the organisation, Julia embodied Horizon’s values and drove forward key research into accessible housing including the Minding the Step and Still Minding the Step publications; which were the first reference sources in Scotland to apply a statistical analytical approach to calculate housing needs of wheelchair users at a national level.
Julia also chaired The Thistle Foundation and was on the board of Arklet Housing Association in the run-up to the Transfer of Engagements to Hanover.
More recently, she was a highly valued consultant and interim CEO with several organisations.
Former Link Group chief executive, Craig Sanderson, told Scottish Housing News: “My closest contact with her was when she became managing director of Horizon HA – by then, a subsidiary of the Link Group - and she contributed her extraordinary experience and expertise to Link’s senior management team.
“She was, quite simply, an iconic and deeply respected and loved champion of equality and diversity. A staunch advocate for tenants and service users with a range of physical and mental abilities throughout Scotland.”
Chair of Horizon’s board, Bob McDougall, said: “Julia believed passionately that everyone, regardless of any disability or frailty, was entitled to have a decent home suitable for their needs. Her loss will be deeply felt by all current and former Horizon board members and colleagues who were privileged to know her.”

Julia in 2010
Other tributes from across the sector include:
“Julia was one of the brightest lights of the housing association movement from the days when she started out with the Lister Housing Co-op through Eildon, Horizon, Blackwood and much more. She is a great loss and it is a sadness beyond words,” - Robin Burley.
“Julia was one special lady,” - Irene Blackburn.
“Lovely woman, and so full of life,” - George Webster, former Almond HA CEO.
“Julia was a truly lovely person and so young,” - Sandy Watson, Housing Corporation/Communities Scotland/Scottish Homes.
“Julia was a wonderful person to work with when we were both trying to grow Eildon into a housing association for The Borders,” - Peter Lee, retired director Eildon HA and SFHA official.
“Julia was such a vibrant soul,” Ross Martin, former Link chairman.
“Julia was such a force of nature, a truly good person who worked tirelessly to improve the lives of others,” - Jill Pritchard, Horizon HA board member.
“I had a lot of time for Julia over the years, she always put everything into her varied jobs. I was delighted to be on the Meadows one evening with family members and witnessing the excitement of her setting off on a balloon flight to the Borders,” - Laurie Naumann, long-time SCSH director and Kingdom HA board member.
“Julia was one of the good guys. A sad loss,” - Graeme Russell, former Dunedin Canmore/Wheatley housing manager and SHR official.
“Very sad news indeed – she was such a lovely person and so generous with her insightful advice,” - Gillian Young, independent consultant.
Julia had requested a small funeral with only close family and friends.