Trump housing application decision subject to further delay
A decision on plans by the Trump Organisation to build hundreds of new homes in Aberdeenshire has once again been delayed by the local authority.
Aberdeenshire Council said a planning application for 550 homes at the Menie Estate, near Balmedie, will now be considered later this year following the receipt of additional information from the applicant.

The proposals, by Trump International Golf Links Ltd, include plans for community facilities, shops, offices, food and drink provision, landscaping and supporting infrastructure.
The application was initially expected to be considered in February, with a final decision on the development expected in March, but late information was received which delayed the decision.
Council planning officers then recommended the application for approval despite claiming it “significantly breaches” legislation.
A report said the economic impact of the homes have “considerable merit” and that permission should be granted in principle, subject to several conditions, including addressing tree loss concerns.
However it also claimed the proposal is a “significant” breach of planning policy and does not comply with the previously granted outline planning permission for a golf resort.

It was thought the application could be considered later this month, however the council said additional information had been received from the applicant, and an updated report would be prepared.
Dates for the updated report to be brought back to the Formartine Area Committee for comment before determination at a full meeting of Aberdeenshire Council are yet to be confirmed.
Director of infrastructure services, Stephen Archer, said: “This is being dealt with as a major application and as such it is essential that elected members have as much information as possible to allow them to make a considered decision.
“With this additional detail being presented to us by the applicant it is only right that it is given equal consideration to the information we have been working with to date.”
A spokeswoman for Trump International said: “The statutory consultees requested further information which has been provided and we look forward to the determination hearing, which we believe will take place on June 27.”