Trust Housing welcomes £23k Lottery funding across North Lanarkshire developments
Staff and tenants at Trust Housing’s Airdrie, Wishaw and Motherwell developments have recently been granted a total of £23,870.

Graham Simpson MSP and Irene Kerr, a tenant at Airdrie trying out the new exercise equipment
In Airdrie, tenants from Dunrobin Gardens were awarded £9,722 for their ‘Fit and Fabulous’ scheme. They’ve bought outdoor exercise equipment so tenants, friends and family can get their fitness levels up. They’re also spending some of the money on new plants to brighten up the development.
Wishaw was awarded £9,148 for ‘Toddling and Teaching Together’, where they have linked up with their local nursery for some intergenerational activities. Some of the children are coming to help plant bedding flowers and perennials for the gardens.

Tenants from Wishaw
The money will also buy new garden furniture and pay for an ‘Armchair Keep-Fit’ session for both tenants and toddlers. Craft days have already been held at the nursery, the first being the ‘Play-doh day’ on 15 February. And the children have already joined tenants for a coffee morning.

Tenants from Motherwell's Ravens Court
At Motherwell’s Ravens Court development, they are yet to spend their recently awarded £5,000 on learning and laughing with the local community. Tenants and staff are starting to plan which areas of learning they will focus on.