Two planning applications approved for Glasgow hotel
Planning applications to expand a Glasgow hotel and another to transform the site into flats have both gained permission in principle.

The hotel extension plans lodged by Ivory Group
Last year, hotel owner Ivory Group Ltd had sought consent to the principle of converting The Ivory on Camphill Avenue at Langside Avenue to residential use with a small coffee shop/cafe to be situated below new flats.
A design statement indicated that seven flats could be created in the hotel building, with a block with around nine new-build flats to be developed in the car park.#
The statement read: “The Ivory Hotel site provides an excellent opportunity for a high quality and sensitively designed residential development and the long-overdue infill of an existing gap site in this established popular residential part of Glasgow’s Southside.
“Retention of a coffee shop will ensure continued hospitality for the local community and users of Queen’s Park whilst retaining employment.”
Earlier in the year, the company had applied for permission to extend the hotel from 11 bedrooms to 32, with the existing restaurant and bar turned into a continental-style, licensed cafe to reflect the changing demographic of Shawlands and Langside.
Eighteen of the rooms would be provided in a three-storey extension over garage parking in the current car park.
Both applications were agreed in principle by Glasgow City Council’s planning applications committee.
Detailed plans would need to be drawn up for approval if either application is to be progressed.