UK: Bill passed to prevent ‘revenge evictions’

A law banning so-called ‘revenge evictions’ in England was passed yesterday by the House of Lords.
Passed as part of the Deregulation Bill, the new law will prohibit landlords from evicting tenants who complain about conditions in their homes.
Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Teather (pictured) attempted to ban revenge evictions with a private members’ bill last year. Though Teather’s attempt failed, the Lords picked it up and tagged it on to the Deregulation Bill.
According to housing charity Shelter, over 200,000 renters face revenge evictions every year, according to Shelter research.
Campbell Robb, Shelter’s chief executive, said: “We’re thrilled that politicians from all the parties have finally taken a stand for renters across the country today by banning revenge evictions once and for all. Hundreds of thousands of people will no longer face the appalling choice between living in a home that puts them or their family in danger, or risking eviction if they complain.
“Thank you to the thousands of Shelter supporters who backed our campaign and asked their MPs to end this unfair practice. This is an important step towards protecting renters across the country, but there is still more to be done. As we approach the general election, all politicians need to show renters they will continue to do everything they can to fix our broken rental market for good.”