Updated SBCC Homeowner Contracts now available

Updated SBCC Homeowner Contracts now available

The Scottish Building Contract Committee (SBCC) has announced the release of updated Homeowner Contracts for use in Scotland.

Based on the JCT 2021 editions, the SBCC Homeowner Contracts have been adapted to produce contracts compliant with Scottish law and practice. SBCC’s Homeowner Contracts are designed specifically for people looking for the benefits and protection of a contract when appointing consultants or contractors to carry out their building work.

Updates to the 2021 edition include the option to complete both the Homeowner contracts and contract administration through SBCC online. There is also a helpful sample page, a sample enquiry letter for sending to potential contractors, and updated Adjudication Rules.

This release includes New Homeowner Contract Administration Packs for use in Scotland. SBCC’s New Homeowner Contract Administration Packs provide a series of template forms to assist with the administration of the SBCC Homeowner contracts.

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