Urgent government appeal over future of care home provision

An urgent appeal is being made to the Scottish Government for additional funding for health and social care.
The plea is being made after South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board (IJB) approved difficult decisions that are required to bridge their £33 million funding gap.
The agreement included discontinuing provision of residential care at McClymont House and Dewar House care homes, which would close in seven months.
However, a late amendment presented to board members means a further appeal is being made to the Scottish Government for financial assistance to help address both immediate and recurring health and social care funding challenges.
And if the appeal for assistance is successful before the next regular IJB meeting in June, the decision regarding both care homes will be reconsidered at that meeting.
IJB chief officer, Professor Soumen Sengupta, said: “I understand this has been a worrying time for people affected and would seek to reassure that the ongoing wellbeing of all residents will remain our primary concern.
“As part of that reassurance, we remain committed to maintaining an open and honest dialogue. We will directly update those concerned, as well as the wider public, on this appeal to the Scottish Government as and when we can.
“This development notwithstanding, the next steps of the process will be now taken forward sensitively and in line with national guidance.
“This will ensure each resident’s individual needs and views are considered properly, safety and wellbeing protected, and within an appropriate timescale.
“The Care Inspectorate stipulate that in the event that a care home is to be closed that a minimum of 13 weeks’ notice is given for deregistration. Having given careful consideration to the consultation report an extended closure period of 7 months has been recommended and budgeted for. This is to provide added reassurance that the process will not be unduly rushed and necessary care will be given to finding an appropriate placement for each resident.”