Veterans Housing Scotland welcomes Jean Guild Grant

Veterans Housing Scotland welcomes Jean Guild Grant

Veterans Housing Scotland has been named one of the recipients of the latest Jean Guild Grants from the Old Edinburgh Club.

The VHS project entitled ‘Veterans Housing Scotland – Celebrating 110 Years’ will include the research and publication of more than 100 years of innovative provision for affordable homes and wellbeing support for disabled veterans of the armed forces who are at risk of homelessness.

Kevin Gray, chief executive of Veterans Housing Scotland, said: “As we mark our 110th Anniversary this year this is a very special opportunity for us to continue to share our story. The development of this publication will undoubtedly throw up some wonderful insights for us all. We are thrilled that the Old Edinburgh Club has selected VHS to receive one of these prestigious awards and look forward to working with them on the project.”

Dr Edward Duvall, president of the Old Edinburgh Club, added: “Yet again, we received a remarkable range and quality of applications. We would have liked to have been able to fund them all as they were all very good. Our resources are, however, limited and we had to make difficult choices.

“The grants programme is named after Jean Guild, a senior librarian at the University of Edinburgh and a long-term member of the Club, who left a legacy to the Club. We are extremely grateful for her generosity which has helped the Club fulfil its mission in encouraging research and interest in the history of Edinburgh.”

The Jean Guild Grants promote research into the history of Edinburgh, improve access to historical resources and bring the history of the city to life.

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