Viewpoint distributes tenancy management advice booklet

Viewpoint tenant Valerie with the booklet
A booklet produced by the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership that offers advice to residents on how to successfully manage their tenancies has been distributed to all Viewpoint tenants.
‘The Nights are Fair Drawin In’ includes advice on heating your home, preventing trips and falls and some great recipes along with useful telephone numbers and much more.
A spokesperson for Viewpoint said: “Here at Viewpoint, we try to ensure that our tenants have as much useful information as possible so that they can manage their tenancies. We are, of course, always there to help our tenants deal with any issues they may have.
“We also like to work in partnership with others to achieve this. We were delighted to see that Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership produced a booklet with loads of helpful information. Who could resist a book called ‘The Nights are Fair Drawin In’?
“We, therefore, took the decision to distribute a copy of the booklet to all our tenants to help them into Christmas and beyond.”
Viewpoint tenant Valerie said that she thought it was really great to have “so much useful information in one place” and thanked Viewpoint for getting copies for every tenant.
Viewpoint also expressed its thanks to those in the Health and Social Care Partnership that brought the booklet together.