Views sought on possible West Dunbartonshire visitor levy

Residents, visitors and business owners are being asked to give their views on the possible introduction of a visitor levy in West Dunbartonshire.
A consultation is now open giving people the chance to answer nine questions relating to the introduction of a fee which, if introduced, would be charged to visitors who stay in accommodation within the area.
Money raised would be used specifically for the benefit of the visitor economy and could include improving facilities and services, supporting local heritage and culture, improving infrastructure and funding tourism events.
No decision has yet been made on whether West Dunbartonshire Council will introduce a visitor levy. The information gathered through this consultation, which lasts until the end of February, will be collated and considered by the Council. It will help inform the full consultation which will run later this year and, if a visitor levy is introduced, views shared will contribute to its implementation.
Convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, Councillor David McBride, said: “I would strongly encourage anyone who is interested in whether a visitor levy is introduced in West Dunbartonshire to use this opportunity to have their say.
“It is important to be clear that no decision has yet been made on whether this will happen but feedback provided by residents, visitors and those who run businesses here will help to make an informed decision.”
Vice convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development, Councillor Lawrence O’Neill, added: “This questionnaire is the first step in gathering views on the possible introduction of a visitor levy and is a prime opportunity for people to give their thoughts on this. It is a short, easy to answer survey and will help the Council gauge interest and views.”
The survey is open until 5pm on Friday, February 28th.