Views sought on what information developers should provide to justify new Highland sites

Views sought on what information developers should provide to justify new Highland sites

The Highland Council is in the process of producing a new Highland Local Development Plan (LDP).

At the end of January 2025, as part of that Plan’s preparation, the Council will be inviting new development site bids which will be considered for inclusion in the new Plan.

Before this happens, the public are being consulted on a list of the information the council believes is necessary to assess the suitability of any new site bid.

Chair of the economy and infrastructure committee, Councillor Ken Gowans said: “This is a chance for individuals and community groups to get involved in the process and provide feedback and suggestions on what information developers should provide to justify a new development site in the new Highland Local Development Plan. 

“This consultation period will run up until 3 January. We will take account of all comments received and finalise the list prior to its use during the formal Call for Development Sites stage, which will start at the end of January 2025.”

The list the council is consulting on can be found online here.

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