Warmworks secures millions to help people living in fuel poverty

Andrew Kubski from West of Scotland Housing Association, which is involved in the project
Warmworks has secured new funding for the installation of energy efficiency improvements and zero emissions heating systems in hundreds of tenants’ homes on behalf of social landlords across Scotland.
The Scottish Government’s Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund will provide 50-60% of the project value, with the housing associations, including Wheatley Homes South, Waverley Housing, Langstane Housing Association, and West of Scotland Housing Association, providing matched funding.
Delivery of the new projects, which includes the installation of air source heat pumps, high heat retention storage heaters, solar panels and battery storage, will start this summer. Warmworks will manage the end-to-end process on the landlords’ behalf; including initial surveys, the installation of energy efficiency upgrades and detailed quality inspections to ensure that the best quality outcomes are achieved for tenants.
Having already successfully delivered similar projects on behalf of Waverley Housing and Wheatley Homes South, along with housing associations in Dumfries and Galloway, the Scottish Borders, Ayrshire and Angus, Warmworks is a trusted, established company that has extensive experience in improving the energy efficiency of homes across the country.
Paul McGhee, managing director of Warmworks’ Local Delivery Division, said: “This is terrific news for the business and for our continued growth in the social housing market. Our work is a key part of the drive to reduce carbon emissions and the transition to a net zero society. Our job is to ensure that this transition to low-carbon living, with its rapid shift towards new, renewable technologies in people’s homes, is one that genuinely includes everyone, especially those who need extra help and support to adapt to change.”
Andrew Kubski, director of development and asset management at West of Scotland Housing Association, said: “We are delighted to be working with Warmworks and leveraging their impressive track record in the sector alongside our own highly skilled and experienced Asset Team to the benefit of our tenants.
“We see this as a long-term strategic partnership working towards imminent new net zero standards and are thrilled to see this already paying off in the short term with a Net Zero Funding award of c. £600k for our Hill Street, Cumbernauld, sheltered complex. We can’t wait to get started on site and work with Warmworks in delivering these major energy efficiency and heating improvements for the residents.”
Warmworks also manages the delivery of the Scottish Government’s £728m national fuel poverty scheme, Warmer Homes Scotland. Through this scheme, more than 40,000 homes across the whole of Scotland have been supported to improve their energy efficiency and to manage their energy costs.
The organisation has established a successful track record in the delivery of energy efficiency improvements, managing large-scale contracts spanning across the UK - from Orkney to Newcastle and South Wales - all targeted at helping people to stay affordably warm at home.