Wellhouse Housing Association celebrates 30 years

Wellhouse Housing Association celebrates 30 years

Wellhouse Housing Association (WHA) has reached a milestone birthday as a community-controlled HA in the east end of Glasgow.

Wellhouse’s roots go back to the 1950s when Glasgow Corporation carried out large-scale inner-city slum clearances. This was accompanied by the building of new peripheral housing estates on the city’s outer edges to rehouse those whose homes were being demolished. Easterhouse was the largest of the new estates and was built to accommodate a population of 50,000 people.

Maureen Morris, chair at Wellhouse, said: “In Wellhouse, a tenants’ steering group was set up in 1989 to seek the transfer of homes from Glasgow City Council to community ownership. Community activists showed persistence throughout a five-year process that led to the registration of Wellhouse Co-operative (now Wellhouse Housing Association) as a social landlord and the transfer of 324 sub-standard homes to community ownership.”

WHA was set up in 1994 as one of a number of community-led housing associations whose role was to address poor housing and neighbourhood conditions in neighbourhoods across Greater Easterhouse.

A second successful stock transfer from Glasgow Housing Association took place in 2010, with the result that all social rented homes in Wellhouse were finally in the ownership of WHA.

Maureen added: “Our journey continues with firm plans to develop 3 vacant sites and deliver almost 200 new homes – finalising the redevelopment and making Wellhouse the Place to be.”

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