West Dunbartonshire introduces Help to Rent scheme
A new scheme to help residents gain access to private property rentals has been launched by West Dunbartonshire Council.

The Help to Rent service will work with landlords and letting agents throughout the area to provide access to quality private lets.
It will support residents in a number of different ways, including with deposit or by becoming a guarantor.
One possibility is that residents are given the chance to pay up their deposit on a monthly basis, while the council acts as a guarantee to the landlord that the full amount is paid back if any damage to the property is incurred.
The scheme is designed to be flexible and take in residents’ personal circumstances. Acceptance to the scheme for guarantees and cash deposits are subject to satisfactory tenancy references being obtained.
The scheme is one of a number rolled out in a bid to combat homelessness in the area.
Councillor Diane Docherty, convener for housing and communities, said: “Help to Rent is a vital and valuable tool in our fight against homelessness.
“Opening up the private rental sector as a possibility means there are many more homes to choose from for our residents.
“For many people, their circumstances prevent access to this market. If we provide just a small bit of assistance, it can be the difference between a warm safe place to live and the prospect of being homeless.”
Councillor Caroline McAllister added: “Everyone deserves a safe and warm place to stay, somewhere they can call home. This initiative helps all residents get onto an even keel, and will absolutely give reassurance to those facing homelessness.”