Wheatley Group helps tenants save £122K on energy bills

Wheatley Group has helped tenants save more than £122,000 on their energy bills over the last six months.
The social landlord’s fuel advisor service offers tenants free expert advice on reducing their energy usage and how to heat their home.
In the last six months, more than 1500 customers of Wheatley Homes Glasgow, Wheatley Homes South, Wheatley Homes East, Loretto Housing and Lowther Homes have been supported to save £122,689 on their gas and electricity bills.
The largest saving was made by Wheatley Homes Glasgow customers, who were helped to save more than £67,900 on their fuel bills.
Over 170 Wheatley Homes South customers were supported to save £34,058, while 186 customers from Wheatley Homes East saved £19,710.
A total of £1017 was also saved by 70 customers of Loretto Housing and four Lowther customers.
Wheatley Homes Glasgow tenant Linda Miller, 68, got help from her fuel advisor, Caren.
Linda was having issues with her meter not registering her payments. Thanks to Caren, Linda was compensated and received all the money back she was due.
Linda said: “I couldn’t have sorted my issues out with the energy company if it wasn’t for Caren. I’d tried for weeks and so had my friends and family.
“I’d urge others in my situation to get help from Wheatley – the help I got was brilliant.”
Wheatley Homes East tenant, John Pullar, 78, appreciated the help he got from his fuel advisor, James, after he was being charged late payment fees.
John, of Edinburgh, who is retired, said: “I was in a situation where I was getting calls from my energy company twice a day for almost a year. They were also turning up at my door. James sorted it within a matter of weeks.
“I had mistakenly been paying the wrong account and they were charging me for late payment. I couldn’t get anyone to help me sort it with the energy company. I was so grateful James sorted it out.
“I’d say to anyone who was struggling to get in touch – there is help available. There’s no point worrying about it when you can get help from someone like James who can really make a difference.”
Wheatley Homes South tenant, Joanne Kirkham, 42, was so grateful of the help she got from her fuel advisor, Graeme.
Joanne, who lives just outside Dumfries, was struggling with her energy company for more than a year with issues over monthly payments.
“I wanted to move onto a pre-payment meter and the energy company kept saying this wasn’t possible and the bills were mounting up,” said Joanne, who is a full-time carer for her daughter.
“When Graeme took it on for me, it took the strain off me. It has been such a worry as the energy company kept calling me and threatening to cut me off. I’d encourage other Wheatley tenants to get in touch with their fuel advisor if they’re struggling – it made such a difference.”
The fuel advice service is run by Wheatley Foundation, part of Wheatley Group.
Advisors can offer advice on bills, reducing energy consumption and managing any fuel debt.
Advisors can also speak to fuel providers on behalf of the tenants and arrange low-cost payment arrangements to clear debt.
Laura Pluck, Wheatley Group director of communities, said: “We’re doing all we can to support our tenants in these difficult times. The last six months, including these colder, winter months, bring more challenges for our customers.
“The service is available to all of our tenants to use and can make a big difference, particularly during the winter months. If you are struggling, we are here to help.”