Women in housing Scotland Conference – interesting, informative and FUN!
SHARE’s first Woman in housing Scotland conference took place in Glasgow on 8th March and was fully subscribed.

The event, which coincided with International Women’s Day, was open to all housing professionals (staff and volunteers) to celebrate the contribution of women to the social housing sector.
Pauline Munro, SHARE’s marketing and events manager, said: “It was a fantastic day and great to see so many colleagues from across the sector. The day proved to be interesting, informative and fun and it will definitely become a firm fixture in SHARE’s calendar of events.”
The first keynote was delivered by Anna Devitt, founder of Direct Devitt and Comedy & Confidence, and, being a comedian, Anna had the room in stitches whilst also delivering a really important message. “Believe, believe in yourself and your abilities and don’t be afraid to speak up to get the life you want not the one you’re given.”
Maria Fyfe, former councillor and MP who spearheaded the campaign to honour Mary Barbour with a statue in Govan delivered the second keynote. Maria drew on the success of Mary Barbour and many other women in housing and asked delegates to consider how we ensure effective solutions to some of the issues being faced today such as homelessness and poor housing.
The perfect round-up of the day was delivered by Mags Lightbody who manages her own consultancy business and is a high profile leader in the sector in Scotland and in Northern Ireland. Mags took delegates through her own story from childhood, and the things that helped shape her, to where she is today.
Delegates also took part in a number of workshops throughout the day. Retirement planning for women delivered by chartered financial planners Laura Young and Lynda Lennox, Family-friendly working delivered by Lisa Gallagher, co-director, Family Friendly Working Scotland and Lesley-Anne Junner, director of finance & corporate services, Linstone Housing Association, Bullying and harassment delivered by Anne Robertson, SHARE trainer and consultant, Building highly effective teams – tips and techniques from sport to the workplace delivered by Lisa Martin, Women’s Rugby Captain, Imposter Syndrome delivered by Gillian Neish, Neish Training and Leadership- Housing (S)Heroes delivered by Olga Clayton, director of health & care, Wheatley Group. All of the workshops were proved popular and received great feedback from delegates.
SHARE is setting up a planning group to shape the 2021 Women in housing Scotland event. If you would like to get involved in the planning group or you would just like to have information sent to you directly once available please email your details to info@share.org.uk.
You can view the event gallery at www.share.org.uk