The Scottish Government has announced that it will abandon its flagship plan to require homeowners to switch to greener heating systems shortly after purchasing a new home, a decision which has sparked a diverse range of reactions from political leaders, environmental groups, and industry represent
Kieran Findlay
Shelter Scotland led a protest outside Edinburgh City Chambers yesterday calling for Scottish Ministers and the Scottish Housing Regulator to "immediately intervene" amid claims the City of Edinburgh Council voted to suspend lifeline housing rights until March 2028. Calling for special measures to b
Housing and homelessness organisations across Scotland have this morning written to Shirley-Anne Somerville urging the Scottish Government to publicly commit to defending legal rights to safe and suitable housing.
The Scottish Government has heeded concerns from across the sector and increased funding to boost the supply of affordable homes as part of its latest Budget, but ministers have been warned that a long-term strategy is still required to address the shortfall in housing.
Community Land Scotland has responded to claims that its suggestion that people should have the Right to Live in a community to which they have an established connection is impractical and could clash with existing legislation. Last month, the charity called on politicians to establish a ‘Righ
Private rent increases could be tied to inflation and apply to rent increases in between tenancies under fresh proposals from the Scottish Government.
Ending Scotland’s housing emergency must be the First Minister’s top priority after the Scottish Government saw a £3.4 billion uplift in yesterday's UK Budget, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has said.
Senior leaders and professionals from across housing, construction and social care gathered at the inaugural Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit 2024 last month to hear how joined-up thinking can help build a more inclusive and sustainable future for accessible housing in Scotland. Hosted
SSEN Transmission has pledged to support the delivery of more than 1,000 new homes across the north of Scotland by 2030 with a landmark new strategy.
The Scottish Government has avoided defeat on whether it has failed to tackle the country's housing emergency following a vote in the Scottish Parliament yesterday.
Homes for Scotland has called on housing minister Paul McLennan to concentrate on the policy areas within the control of the Scottish Government instead of pointing to external factors as the root causes of the housing emergency. The trade body was responding to yesterday's Ministerial Statement on
Scottish Housing News extends its thanks to all speakers and delegates who made the Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit 2024 such a success. A packed and engaged audience heard from a number of insightful speakers across the day with early feedback singling out the tone, topics and venue
A Scottish Parliament review into the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) is now underway after a committee launched a call for views on the organisation.
A chain of failures across government, organisations and the private sector led through "incompetence", "dishonesty" and "greed” all contributed to Grenfell Tower becoming a death trap and resulted in an "unedifying 'merry-go-round of buck-passing'", the final report from the Grenfell Tower In
Housing bodies have welcomed the 2024-25 Programme for Government (PfG) for acknowledging the reality of the country’s housing emergency but the Scottish Government has been criticised for failing to make up for delays to funding for new homes. Outlining his first PfG as first minister, John S