Fuel Poverty

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Argyll and Bute Council and Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) have welcomed the investment of £1.23 million from the UK Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator (SHDFD) project. ACHA will manage and deliver the project with support from SSE Energy Solutions

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North Lanarkshire Council has reduced the number of households living in fuel poverty by 4,000 over the past year, improving the lives of its tenants and residents and reducing its carbon emissions This year’s Scottish House Condition Survey results show the significant progress that the counc

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A £4 million support fund has been launched to help Scots struggling with their energy bills during the coronavirus lockdown. The Scottish Government scheme, which will be administered by national advice service Advice Direct Scotland, is designed to prevent households falling into fuel povert

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Legislation which will help cut emissions, reduce fuel poverty and create green jobs by accelerating the deployment of heat networks has been passed unanimously by the Scottish Parliament.

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Proposed legislation to encourage greater deployment of heat networks in Scotland in order to help reduce emissions from heating homes and buildings will be debated at Stage 3 in the Scottish Parliament today.  

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Wellhouse Housing Association (WHA) is working to help local residents stay warm this winter by sharing £1,000 among those unable to heat their homes. In a bid to reduce fuel poverty and ensure occupants are comfortable in their own homes, the community-led housing association based in greater

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Energy prices are set to rise by as much as £97 for millions of consumers in April as a result of changes in wholesale energy prices, regulator Ofgem said today. When wholesale prices fell sharply last year in the wake of the first lockdown, the level of the price cap fell by £

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Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is warning that fuel debt – being in debt to your energy supplier – is a growing concern for consumers as the latest data from the Citizens Advice network reveals a 13% increase in fuel debt advice as a proportion of all debt advice compared to November 202

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