The Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel has issued a new evidence report reflecting on what the impending increase to the energy price cap means for rural communities and findings from its recent investigation into rural and remote fuel poverty.
The Existing Homes Alliance has gathered signatures from 25 organisations calling on the First Minister to fulfil his promise to introduce a Heat in Buildings Bill before the window for legislation closes imminently due to the election.
Homes for Scotland (HFS) has welcomed a reduction in average decision timescales for major housing applications but warned that the determination times still far exceed the statutory period of 16 weeks. New planning application statistics published yesterday covering the period Q1 and Q2 for 20
To help decorate the Poynder Apartments in Kelso, Eildon Housing has been working in partnership with Art in Healthcare, which lends from its extensive collection of modern and contemporary Scottish art.
Families in Edinburgh who have been homeless or living in temporary accommodation are being housed as part of an innovative scheme in the city.
Housing associations in England should use safety complaints as an "early warning sign" to prevent wider failings, according to a watchdog. The Housing Ombudsman has released its monthly ‘learning from severe maladministration’ report, focusing on the ‘Big 6’ building safety
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has called for increased investment in Scotland’s affordable homes programme and voiced "serious concerns" over social security cuts following the Spring Statement.
The first phase of housing at Castlehill Road, Wishaw, is now complete, taking forward North Lanarkshire Council regeneration plans to deliver new housing, amenities and green spaces, transforming and connecting the local community.
The Integration Joint Board (IJB), which oversees services delivered by Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership, approved its budget for the coming year at its meeting this week. A total of £320.4 million will be spent delivering on health and social care services across the city. This inclu
Manor Estates Housing Association hosted a tea party last week to start celebrating its 30th Anniversary. Invites were extended to tenants and owners that had been with the Association for a long period of time, some of whom had been with the Association for its entire lifespan. Also in attendance w
Plans to regenerate the iconic Govan Graving Docks have been given the green light by councillors. Members of Glasgow City Council’s Planning Applications Committee unanimously approved proposals to build up to 304 energy-efficient homes on the site’s southern boundary at a meeting
An £11.3 million development at College Mains in Dumfries will bring 44 new homes to the region.
The Scottish Government and TPAS Scotland have jointly published two research reports which explore different aspects of tenant engagement and participation in the social housing sector.
Housebuilder Bellway has reported a notable increase in profits and home completions in the first half of its financial year, reflecting a strengthening housing market.
Veterans Housing Scotland has been named one of the recipients of the latest Jean Guild Grants from the Old Edinburgh Club. The VHS project entitled ‘Veterans Housing Scotland – Celebrating 110 Years’ will include the research and publication of more than 100 years of innovative pr