Lintel Trust has been shortlisted in the Government Opportunities (GO) Excellence in Public Procurement Awards 2019/20 for its partnership with the Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) to deliver its Community Benefit Fund.
Bield's Turnbull Court in Duns is hosting a musical memories group, run by Alzheimer Scotland and the SBC Local Area Co-ordination Service, where tenants and local residents alike can listen to their favourite songs from days gone by.
Barrhead Housing Association (BHA) supported housing as a human right on Scottish Housing Day last week. The Association celebrated the positive impact of good housing to the lives of people and communities.
Care leavers in full-time education and living in their own council property will not be required to pay rent while they study as part of a new initiative by West Dunbartonshire Council. The new scheme will mean many young care leavers will be able to focus on studying without worrying about finance
A new £10 million fund has been launched to give more people access to affordable credit and savings plans. Announced as part of the Programme for Government, the Credit Union Investment Fund will support credit unions to increase financial inclusion and help them to grow.
Adverts encouraging landlords to remove tenants and convert homes to short-term lettings have been banned on the Transport for London (TfL) network.
The Scottish Government has overturned Aberdeenshire Council's rejection of plans to build 113 homes in Tarves, The Press and Journal reports. Councillors at the local authority refused Scotia Homes' plans last year due to concerns over the scale of the development and lack of accompanying amenities
Scottish Renewables has released a document which sets out renewable energy's contribution to Scotland in innovation, jobs, communities, climate and the rural economy.
The University of Edinburgh's letting service is on the hunt for more landlords after being short of potential spaces for 120 students for the upcoming academic year. The service, Domus, allocates second and subsequent year students with private and university-owned homes in the city. It is currentl
Tenants of Wishaw & District Housing Association (WDHA) have definitively backed the proposed transfer to Trust Housing Association.
Council leader John Alexander and Councillor Anne Rendall cut the turf at a new Hillcrest development on Wednesday, to mark the start of work on the Victoria Dock affordable homes development. The development will house 119 affordable apartments and ground floor commercial space at Dundee’s Ci
Stuart Murray, one of Almond Housing Association's (AHA) founding board members, is stepping down after 25 years of service to the organisation. The West Lothian-based association said that Stuart has been a tremendous resource for the association and has played an instrumental role in guiding its m
Plans to build new houses for social rent on the former site of Dundee's Whitfield Primary School have been submitted. The plans have been submitted by Angus Housing Association and George Martin Builders Ltd, who intend to build 18 homes on the Longhaugh Road site, made up of 10 houses and eight fl
The second phase of a landmark housing project in Cambuslang to build 230 new homes for social rent and 81 private residences for sale has begun. The build is led by South Lanarkshire Council with Cambuslang-based CCG (Scotland) Ltd.
New Gorbals Housing Association hosted the first full day of activities of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) conference on City Living on September 12th. The association was invited to host the first day of the conference which ran from the 11th-13th of September.