Melville Housing Association has launched an innovative flooring project to improve the lives of hard-pressed tenants, while simultaneously helping the environment. The Dalkeith-based housing association will deliver the project which uses reconditioned carpet tiles saved from landfill, will be offe
Thenue Housing Association delivered a renewed commitment to helping its tenants withstand the turbulence of current economic and political events at its AGM.
Locals in Plockton, Wester Ross are trying to stop Highland Council from selling one of the last remaining council houses to prevent it from becoming a holiday home, The Herald reports. Residents are trying to prevent the sale of the council house located in a picturesque village, which was mad
The building at the forefront of the Save Leith Walk campaign was lit up with a projection of how the street could look.
Rural Stirling Housing Association (RSHA) has re-opened its refurbished offices in Doune. Provost Christine Simpson cut the ribbon marking the return to the offices following a much-needed renovation.
North Lanarkshire Council has said it will establish a fund to help tenants who find themselves in financial difficulty as a result of the five-week waiting time for Universal Credit payments.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has called for honesty from policy makers on who will foot the bill in the move towards a more sustainable economy. With climate strikes due to occur globally today, CAS has welcomed the arrival of climate change discussion within the agendas of politicians and busines
New research commissioned by Aberlour Child Care Trust has revealed that people from the most deprived areas in Scotland are three times more likely to die before the age of 25.
The number of million-plus residential transactions in Scotland is at its highest since 2008, according to Savills' latest research report.
Apropos by DJ Alexander believes that the property market must adapt to the changing needs of Britain's ageing population. It has said that the entire housing market, including property owners, social housing and the private rented sector (PRS), needs a coordinated response to the increasingly large
Perth and Kinross Council announced yesterday that work has begun on 70 new council homes on the western edge of Perth.
A recent tenant survey carried out by Bellsmyre Housing Association revealed that more than 85% of respondents rate the building of new homes as a high priority. The survey was run in association with Bellsmyre's parent organisation, Caledonia Housing Association.
LAR Housing Trust is hailing modern apprentices a success after appointing its first apprentice, Lewis Yule, to the role of property manager. Lewis, 23, from Kirkcaldy, joined the housing charity in April 2018 and worked across various departments, learning about Scotland’s growing mid-ma
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has today called upon the British Government to end the current five-week wait for Universal Credit. CAS has claimed that this wait is pushing many Scots into poverty.
Home Group has teamed up with Shelter Scotland in a quest for housing to be recognised as a human right. The theme of housing as a human right was central to this year's Scottish Housing Day, which was celebrated yesterday. In light of this, Home Group in Scotland approached Shelter Scotland to expl