New plans have been submitted by Persimmon Homes to build 71 new homes as part of a development on the former Stewart's Cream of Barlet bottling plant on the Kingsway. Persimmon has attempted to develop the land at the Kingsway site for many years. Its newest application follows Dundee councillors'
Govan Housing Association is working together with EU Citizens Rights Project Scotland to host an event for EU nationals to discuss worries about Brexit.
There has been a drastic increase in the number of elderly people seeking help for homelessness since 2012-13, data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals.
To celebrate Scottish Housing Day, Kingdom Housing Association bounced into action at The Henge in Glenrothes with an extra special tenant roadshow.
Lochfield Park Housing Association has raised £903.38 for MacMillan Cancer Support by hosting the "World's Biggest Coffee Morning". The coffee morning was held by the housing association on the 11th of September.
Osprey Housing Group has raised nearly £600 for the Trussell Trust by hosting a football fundraising event with members of the local community in Aberdeenshire. A surprise guest appearance from Aberdeen FC on-loan mascot Angus the Bull ensured great support for a fun-filled charity football ma
To celebrate Scottish Housing Day 2019 yesterday, Melville Housing Association released a short film made with the help of tenants. The film takes a look at a new concept for social housing which is currently being developed by Melville and has been named social co-housing.
Barratt Homes East Scotland has raised over £80,000 for homelessness charity Rock Trust at its inaugural charity dinner. Rock Trust was chosen at the start of 2019 as Barratt Homes East Scotland's charity of the year. The organisation has been fundraising in aid of them over the last year and
The population of the Scottish islands are showing signs of increasing after years of decline, the BBC reports.
Scotland's property market has experienced price rises of 1.4%, almost five times the rate of growth in England, the latest provisional statistics from the UK House Price Index (HPI) show. Comparing with the previous month, house prices in Scotland rose by 0.7 per cent between June 2019 and July 201
Ardenglen Housing Association has welcomed Richard Mahon as a new member of its Board of Management. Mr Mahon is a finance professional and keen supporter of the housing association movement. He has over 10 years of experience covering audit, finance control, reporting and planning, most recently in
Kingdom Housing Association held its AGM on Monday evening and celebrated the success of the association during its 40th anniversary year. Kingdom Housing Association tenants, members and guests gathered at Carnegie Conference Centre in Dunfermline for the AGM.
Ron Hunter, director of finance and IT at Caledonia Housing Association, is stepping down on 20 September following a distinguished 34-year career in the social housing sector. Born and brought up in Fife, Mr Hunter studied accounting and agriculture in Dundee and Edinburgh. He joined the – th
A new report calling for the incorporation of human rights legislation in Scotland so everyone has access to a safe, affordable home has been published to mark Scottish Housing Day.
CALA, Barratt and Bellway Homes have outlined a blueprint for 600 new homes on the land at Dykebar Hospital in Paisley.