Eildon Housing Association has paid tribute to two of its longest-serving board members and former chairmen prior to its AGM last week. Bill Wilkie MBE joined Eildon Housing Association back in its infancy in 1978. He was appointed as vice-chair in 1980 and went on to become chairman and remained in
Govanhill Housing Association’s bid to improve living conditions in the area reached another milestone this week with the purchase of its 300th property.
A proposed merger between Arklet Housing Association and Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association has gained the backing of the majority of Arklet tenants.
East Lothian Council has expressed concern that changing legislation and a gap in funding could hamper its efforts to tackle homelessness.
Proactive communication and robust enforcement are essential if the introduction of minimum energy efficiency standards in the private rented sector is to be successful, according to CIH Scotland.
Social landlords are to receive a share of £1.5 million of support to prevent homelessness for low-income families. The funding is part of a multi-million pound package of measures from the Scottish Government to improve access to learning, advice and employment support for low-income families
Ardenglen Housing Association’s members received an upbeat message of continuous improvement at its AGM this week. New homes for Castlemilk were nearing completion, voids have been dramatically reduced to a third of the Scottish average and a new ‘Strategic Map’ now sets out what A
East Lothian Council has granted full permission for 150 new homes on a site at the southern side of Gullane.
A 5.96-acre site within the village of Carfin in Lanarkshire has been sold to Wilson Developments for an undisclosed sum.
Springfield Properties has submitted a planning application for 86 new homes to the East of Elgin.
Tenants in Aberdeen and Stirling will be among the first in the country to benefit from next-generation digital connectivity thanks to a partnership between a group of social housing providers and full fibre infrastructure provider CityFibre.
North Lanarkshire Council is to establish a fund to help tenants who find themselves falling into arrears due to a built-in-waiting time for Universal Credit payments to be processed and paid.
Communities secretary Aileen Campbell visited Fraser Avenue in Inverkeithing yesterday to see what lessons can be learnt from the major suburban infill project by Kingdom Housing Association and 7N Architects as part of the Scottish Government’s Housing 2040 workshops with Architecture &
Housebuilder Cruden Homes is supporting this year’s Scottish Housing Day by making a donation of £100 to Shelter Scotland for every new home that is reserved this weekend.
CIH Scotland has appointed Donna Bogdanovic from Scottish Borders Council to its board. Ms Bogdanovic is a qualified planner who began her professional career as a planning and economic development consultant in Glasgow. She is currently the principal officer for housing strategy, policy and develop