More than a million Scots have benefited either directly or indirectly from the activities of social investor Social Investment Scotland (SIS) in the past year, according to the organisation’s latest annual Social Impact Report.
High satisfaction with housing and an increase in home ownership among young people are two of the key findings in this year’s Scottish Household Survey.
A £1.5 billion framework has been launched for new build residential construction services in Scotland.
Private and affordable housing provider Springfield Properties has announced its first land acquisition in Inverness as the group continues its geographic expansion into the Highlands. The purchase at Easterfield Farm in Inverness follows other land recently secured in surrounding areas for Springfi
Three blocks of Glasgow flats have become some of the most technologically-advanced in Scotland following the completion of a public-private sector collaborative project undertaken by partners including Maryhill Housing. The 20-storey Glenavon Road tower blocks, which contain 360 homes, have been fi
Highland Council has announced two further appointments to new posts of executive chief officer (ECO) as part of the local authority’s redesign. Stuart Black, director of development and infrastructure, will take up the post of ECO for transformation and economy at the end of the month.
Landlords in Inverness can sign-up for free training into managing tenancy deposits and disputes. The latest research from SafeDeposits Scotland has found that 50 disputes have arisen between landlords and tenants in the Inverness area in the last year.
An inquiry has been launched by Holyrood’s social security committee as estimates suggest a huge number of benefits remain unclaimed by those eligible for them. The inquiry aims to explore the extent of the issue and what can be done to tackle it.
The company behind the £3.5 million renovation of one of Dundee’s historic jute mills is to expand its proposals after it acquired the adjacent building.
Councillors have rejected plans to provide 165 homes in Thornliebank due to road safety concerns.
Advance Construction Scotland (ACS) has offered full-time employment to Declan Martin after he participating in an employability programme run by Wheatley Group.
Sellers of The Big Issue across the UK will now have access to cashless technology in a bid to boost sales.
Port of Leith Housing Association has appointed current vice-chair Caitlin McCorry as its new chairperson. The Association’s 43rd Annual General Meeting saw Margaret O’Connor stand down from the position under its five-year rule.
The Scottish Government is to extend a seven-day limit on unsuitable temporary accommodation to protect people at risk of homelessness.
Collective Architecture has gained planning permission on behalf of Sanctuary Homes for the delivery of 133 new affordable homes in Cumbernauld.