Collective Architecture has gained planning permission on behalf of Sanctuary Homes for the delivery of 133 new affordable homes in Cumbernauld.
Eildon Housing has unveiled plans to build up to three Extra Care developments over the next five years with the first starting on site next week at Langhaugh in Galashiels.
Perth and Kinross Provost Dennis Melloy ‘cut the turf’ last week to mark the start of works on a £4 million development which will bring 27 energy-efficient affordable modern homes to Crieff.
Home Group has delivered a call to Scottish sports teams to apply for sponsorship. Through its subsidiary in Scotland, the Association is looking to work with sports groups as part of its ambitious Aspirations project, which aims to support the aspirations of its customers and their communities.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has started the countdown for each social landlord to submit its first Annual Assurance Statement.
Funding of £450,000 to support local authorities decarbonise heat and improve energy efficiency has been made available by the Scottish Government. Local authorities can apply for funding to pilot Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies which aim to identify local solutions to reduce emiss
The UK Government is to delay the introduction of VAT Reverse Charging for construction companies by a year after a coalition of trade bodies and organisations highlighted its potentially damaging consequences.
Springfield Properties has been granted planning permission for 42 new homes at Mount Ellen in Gartcosh.
The proposed £30 million tourist destination on the banks of Loch Lomond looks set to be rejected after officials for the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National park authority have recommended that its board refuse the application.
Ofgem has moved to protect the 29,000 domestic customers of Eversmart Energy after the energy supplier ceased trading last week.
A new benefit providing help for people on low incomes to meet the costs of a funeral will be available from next week. Funeral Support Payment will be delivered by Social Security Scotland from September 16 and will replace the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Funeral Expense Payment for peop
Rhonda Leith has announced her retiral as chair of Ayrshire Housing’s board. Reflecting on the Association’s achievements over her five-year leadership at a packed AGM this week, Ms Leith said: “It’s great to see our building programme bearing fruit with a series of well-rece
Proposals to build more than 200 homes as part of a wider housing development in Aberdeen have been given the green light.
A commitment by the Scottish Government to fully involve planners in its drive to deliver a zero carbon target by 2045 has been welcomed by RTPI Scotland. Launching the Programme for Government 2019-20 in Parliament this week, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said ending Scotland’s contribution
Pineview Housing Association's promotion of health, safety and wellbeing excellence in the workplace has been recognised with the Healthy Working Lives Bronze Award. The Healthy Working Lives award programme helps organisations to identify issues and improve health, safety and wellbeing in a st