Argyll and Bute Council has reaffirmed its commitment to preventing homelessness arising from domestic abuse.
The construction of new residential apartments on Bell Street in Glasgow officially began last week with a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the occasion.
A Perth & Kinross Council scheme that gives people easy access private rented housing has reached its 10th anniversary.
Landlords in England have started to charge “pet rent” in an effort to recoup losses from a ban on unfair letting fees, according to reports.
Apprentices at residential fire and carbon monoxide (CO) alarm provider Aico Ltd have commenced the Electrical Distributors’ Association (EDA) Product Knowledge Programme, starting with the Customer Service module. At the end of this module, the apprentices will understand ‘What constitu
A report setting out a credible pathway to making all homes in Scotland zero carbon by 2045 has been published today by the Existing Homes Alliance Scotland.
The Scottish Government has been criticised for abandoning its manifesto pledge to introduce compulsory sale orders to help councils deal with empty homes and regenerate vacant and derelict land.
The condition of privately owned tenement housing will continue to deteriorate unless the Scottish Government partners with councils and housing associations to arrest the decline, the Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF) has warned. Earlier this week, at the Forum&rsquo
The Scottish Government’s Programme for Government contains a lot for social housing providers to be pleased with but they still need more information to help them plan for the future, according to SFHA chief executive, Sally Thomas. Announcing a Programme for Government which was heavily infl
HouseMark Scotland has updated its Scottish Social Housing Charter comparison tool to include new data released last week, writes Kirsty Wells. In a recent blog post, Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) Chief Executive, Michael Cameron, outlined the expectations for landlords getting ready to subm
South Lanarkshire Council will add to its housing stock thanks to a decision by its housing and technical resources committee yesterday.
A pioneering programme to tackle unemployment in some of Scotland’s most disadvantaged areas has created nearly 800 jobs and training opportunities in its first year. Communities secretary Aileen Campbell MSP with Sir Harry Burns, Wheatley Group chief executive Martin Armstrong and Wheatley st
Castlemilk’s memorial garden has been given a fresh new paint makeover thanks to Ardenglen Housing Association. The community’s much-admired garden is where local people are encouraged to remember loved ones who have died.
Shelter Scotland’s crowdfunding campaign to raise money to help meet the legal costs for taking Glasgow City Council to court has hit its initial £15,000 target within two weeks.
A public consultation has been launched to find out what kind of affordable housing is needed in Blairgowrie.