A United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) conference on city living will be held in Glasgow on September 11-13.
Low income families will be able to apply for a new £10 a week payment for every child aged 0-6 next year after the Scottish Government brought forward its Scottish Child Payment. As part of measures to lift 30,000 children out of poverty, the benefit, which was due to launch in 2021, will now
A strategy and action plan to tackle poverty in Moray has been endorsed by councillors. Fairer Moray Forum is spearheading the action on behalf of the Moray Community Planning Partnership, which is made up of public and third sector organisations in the area.
Royal Bank of Scotland has provided a £3.2 million funding package to The Furnishing Service Limited (TFS) to grow the Scottish business’ presence in England and service increase client demands. As well as supplying furniture and white goods to a range of clients, the East Kilbride-based
A £3 billion Green Investment Portfolio and a vow to end polluting gas heating in new homes within five years are part of the Scottish Government’s next steps to tackle climate change, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced in Parliament yesterday.
After securing £13 million in funding from Allia C&C, Partick Housing Association will build more than 140 new homes in the west end of Glasgow over the next five years. The Association has already considered a number of development locations, including a gap site at Laurel Street in Parti
The Scottish Government has made £4.5 million available to innovate and transform services to support the implementation of plans to help end homelessness in its Programme for Government 2019-20.
Milnbank Housing Association has continued to meet the standards required for Investors in People Platinum and Investors in Young People Gold Accreditations following a recent assessment. The Association was first recognised as an IIP organisation in 2000 and was the first housing association in Sco
Torrential rain couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm of Kingdom Housing Association’s staff as they braved the weather last Friday to raise £2705 for Alzheimer Scotland, the Association’s chosen charity, during its 40th anniversary year. Gary Haldane, Kingdom’s head of digita
At a major international summit taking place in Glasgow this week, the Scottish Government, Glasgow City Council and international charities will call for the Home Office to enable a humanitarian safety net in Scotland for those who sought refugee protection and are unable to receive homelessness su
Barratt Developments have experienced a pre-tax profit of £909.8 million for the year to the end of June - an increase of 8.9% compared to the previous year. The UK's biggest housebuilder posted the record annual profit after it experienced a sales boom and improvement in its margins due to a
Robertson has strengthened its Residential Group business with three senior appointments. John Low has been appointed as new CEO, while Colin Mitchell and Craig Smith join as finance director and operations director respectively.
Glasgow-based construction company CCG(Scotland) Ltd has invested a total of £38,000 in community projects across Ayrshire since 2018. The business has also provided jobs, apprenticeships and education opportunities for local residents.
West Dunbartonshire Council is considering the use of solar panels in a bid to reduce its carbon emissions.
Online property management platform Howsy has announced an investment raise of £5 million. The investment has been led by Skybound Capital, a London-based global wealth management business, as well as several other exiting investors.