The development at Cunningham House, which is Glasgow’s first Passivhaus development for social rent, was formally opened on Friday 30th of August. The development has seen the creation of 19 new homes for older people. The project combines the construction of a modern five-storey Passivhaus t
A new report from the Scottish Housing Regulator reinforces the fact social housing providers continue to provide great homes in great places, SFHA chief executive Sally Thomas has said. The Regulator’s sixth national analysis of landlords’ performance against the Scottish Social Ho
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon visited Glasgow Housing Association's (GHA) latest development of 152 affordable flats in Ibrox yesterday. The new flats are a combination of one- and two-bedroom homes, and six have been adapted for wheelchair users.
Social housing providers are part of the 149 organisations who will receive a share of £1.8 million in funding from the Scottish Government to improve facilities for walking and cycling.
As the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence marks its second-anniversary director, Professor Ken Gibb, reflects on what we have achieved so far and highlights some areas we still need to work on. It’s been two years since the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) w
Q-Bot technology has been added to the range of energy efficiency measures offered under Warmer Homes Scotland – the Scottish Government’s national scheme for improving energy efficiency in homes who are in or at risk of fuel poverty.
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations’ former head of public affairs Sarah Boyack has been named Scottish Labour's spokesperson on local government on her return to parliamentary politics. Previously an MSP from 1999 to 2016, during which she served as minister for the environment, p
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has announced that it has extended its closing date to apply to join its statutory managers list.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has called for action to reduce the ‘five week wait’ that claimants of Universal Credit (UC) face before receiving their first payment.
Fraser Mitchell, planning partner at law firm Shoosmiths in Edinburgh, warns that the Scottish Government must act on new legislation or an opportunity might disappear into the sunset. The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 has arrived following the most recent review of the Scottish planning system. In a
The University of Strathclyde has joined the European Green Initiative that will design innovative factories to support the transformation of 22 million homes in Europe which must become energy-neutral before 2050. Named INDU-ZERO, the three-year project aims to industrialise housing by creating a b
The Inverness Townscape Heritage Project (ITHP) and Doors Open Days Highland will give a talk this week on building maintenance.
safeagent and Landlord Accreditation Scotland (LAS) have partnered to provide Scottish letting agents with a unique offering of specialist training and professional development.
Edinburgh Council's housing chief has warned that private housing developers must play their part in building sustainable homes to meet Edinburgh's aim of reaching carbon neutrality by 2030.
Plans have been submitted to Scottish Borders Council for the former Kelso high school, to be converted into homes for the elderly and affordable housing. Planners wish to convert one of the town's more recognisable landmarks into a facility holding 34 extra care apartments for older people. Develop