A £17.5 million development by River Clyde Homes to deliver 137 affordable rented homes at the historic James Watt Dock in Greenock is beginning to rise from the ground. (from left) Councillor Robert Moran; Kevin Scarlett (chief executive, River Clyde Homes), Stuart McMillan MSP, Marilyn Bever
The results of the Scottish Federation of Housing Association’s board director elections were announced this week at the federation’s AGM in Edinburgh. Martin Wilkie-McFarlane at Wellhouse Housing Association and Dena Macleod at Hebridean Housing Partnership were named executives for the
John Gilbert has announced his intention to retire from the architecture practice he founded and led for 27 years Mr Gilbert established John Gilbert Architects in 1992 after the publication of the Tenement Handbook. He built the practice up to be renowned for robust sustainable design, thoughtful c
Dundee-based building services firm McGill has secured a £2.6 million contract for work on a housing redevelopment project in Glasgow.
A “housing revolution” to ensure warm and affordable homes forms part of a new campaign to transform Scotland’s economy unveiled by the Scottish Greens. Scottish Greens co-leaders Lorna Slater and Patrick Harvie visiting CCG's off-site construction facility - Image credit: Scottish
A salmon farm in Orkney has been granted approval to build a small development of houses to provide workers with a place to live.
Members of the Gypsy/Traveller community living on social landlord's sites across Scotland are concerned about the condition standards, a report by the Scottish Housing Regulator has found.
A report carried out by Glasgow City Council has revealed that between 2017 and 2018, 66.4% of vacant and derelict land in the city has been developed for housing.
The National Landlords Association (NLA) and the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) will join together to form the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) to cast a stronger voice for the private rented sector. The newly formed National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) will pu
Housebuilder and developer Mactaggart & Mickel has promoted director Peter Shepherd to the new role of chair of the company’s Homes division board. With responsibility for c.£100 million of residential property assets, this expanded role will see Mr Shepherd chair the trade arm of th
The continuation of a winter payments scheme with an increase of £2 has been approved by members of Highland Council’s City of Inverness Area Committee.
The Scottish Government is to provide £1 million in funding to various Scottish charities and organisations to support the growth of grassroots social enterprises. The money will go to a range of projects including an accelerator programme for ambitious and growing social entrepreneurs, offeri
Older people are increasingly being faced with the experience of unaffordable rent and poor quality accommodation, a study has suggested.
Scotland’s social housing sector can be confident about the future despite ongoing political uncertainty, SFHA chief executive Sally Thomas has said. With the outcome of Brexit and its impact on the housing sector still unknown, and a new housing programme to be delivered after 2021, Ms Thomas
Work has begun on the construction of 126 new affordable council homes in Clydebank. The site of the former St Andrew’s High School, between John Knox Street and Whitecrook Street, will be rebuilt into a variety of properties ranging from one-bedroom flats to five-bedroom houses.