Years of successful community control was singled out for special praise last week when First Minister Nicola Sturgeon officially opened a pivotal new development in the Gorbals. New Gorbals Housing Association welcomed the MSP for Glasgow Southside as it celebrated 30 years of community ownership w
Housing, homelessness and fair work convener, Cllr Kate Campbell, writes about how the City of Edinburgh Council is intervening to help those living in the private rented sector. Housing in Edinburgh is under severe pressure. At the Housing, Homeless and Fair Work committee this Thursday we’re
The first phase of a 700-home development on the northern edge of Scone has narrowly gained planning approval.
Shelter Scotland is calling for nominations for an awards ceremony to recognise the work of people fighting to bring Scotland's 39,000 privately-owned, long-term empty homes back into use. The Howdens Scottish Empty Homes Champion of the Year Awards is held every year to showcase the work of those t
West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative (WWHC) celebrated its 30th birthday with a fun-filled birthday party.
Ten new apprentices have been welcomed to East Ayrshire Council's Housing Asset Services. Councillor Elena Whitham, cabinet member for housing and communities visited the Housing Asset Services depot to meet the new recruits.
Hanover Scotland is holding an open day to show Moray locals what 'housing with care' entails.
Shelter Scotland’s Lisa Borthwick on the charity’s new campaign for housing rights in Scotland, including the launch of a public petition to embed the human right to housing fully in Scottish law.
The Aberdeen Law Project has successfully represented an Aberdeen-based tenant in his dispute over a tenant deposit. The project said the case marks the latest success for the representation team in securing victories for tenants in the city.
A legal bid to stop Serco’s eviction of asylum seekers in Glasgow will return to the Court of Session today as an appeal into a ruling that the housing provider’s lock-change policy was not unlawful gets under way.
Scotland has seen a real term per property decrease in repair and maintenance work of £313 since 1997, according to new research by Scape Group.
Planning departments across Scotland may need up to £59 million over the next ten years to undertake duties contained in the new Planning Act, according to RTPI Scotland.
Fifty new affordable homes are to be built in Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park after plans were given approval by the National Park Authority. The homes will be built on land at Claish Farm in Callander, one of the most expensive areas to buy a home in Scotland, and managed and owned by
Moray Council has said it is on track to deliver almost £6.5 million of affordable housing this year.
Spire View Housing Association has announced the completion of works at the new, state of the art Roystonhill Community Hub.