Copperworks Housing Association has celebrated another significant milestone in the regeneration of its local community. Following several years of hard work and determination Copperworks, with the support of local residents and the Royston Strategy Group, finally acquired a large area of derelict l
Two charities are to share £12,500 of national funding to tackle street begging and homelessness in Aberdeen.
Twenty-five new apprentices have begun their apprenticeships with Fife Council's Building Services this week.
Glenrothes is the first town in the UK to be awarded recognition for a plan to become a Living Wage Town.
Over £35 million in additional benefits has been generated for residents by North Lanarkshire advice services. A total of £35,368,140 has been awarded to local residents in 2018/19 following help and support from housing and social work services staff, the Financial Inclusion Service and
Taylor Wimpey East Scotland and Hallam Land Management are planning to hold a public consultation for the development of more land at Seafield Road in Bilston.
Outer Hebrides communities now have access to new full fibre broadband networks. Each of the 113 households in Grimsay, an island roughly three miles long and half again in width, joined to North Uist and Benbecula by a causeway, is now able to access reliable ultrafast broadband. Subsequently, 65%
Sanctuary Scotland has given funding to Glasgow's Nitshill Noble Art gym. Since 2012, Sanctuary Scotland has helped the founder of the gym, Kris McAdam, secure a lease, replace windows and paid for two spin bikes.
Best-selling Scottish crime writer Val McDermid has backed a major new campaign by Shelter Scotland which aims to secure the legal right to a decent home for everyone in the country. Launched today, the campaign follows research conducted by YouGov for the charity found that 88% of people surveyed a
A council's decision to close a fund supporting the provision of free advice in relation to housing, financial inclusion and social welfare law in Glasgow has been condemned by a leading lawyer.
A celebration has been held at Milnbank Housing Association to mark depute director Linda Sichi’s 40 years of service. Linda Sichi being presented with her award from Allan Scott
The local authority for the Western Isles of Scotland has called for a comprehensive funding review of how rural housing is funded and delivered for the islands. Councillor Donald Crichton, chairman of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s joint consultative committee on crofting, called for joined-up t
Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has opened 32 new homes for rent in Helensburgh. The new site in the centre of Helensburgh, Castle Wood Court, has a total value of just under £5 million. The Scottish Government, ACHA and Argyll and Bute Council all financially contributed to the bu
After achieving the Customer Service Excellence Award last year, Cloch Housing Association has passed its first annual review and attained Compliance Plus awards for three different aspects of the business; culture, complaints and communication. Compliance plus is a way an organisation can demonstra
A £3.6 million housing scheme in Irvine has reached the final stage of development with North Ayrshire Council's Building Services team set to deliver internal works for the first time.