East Lothian Housing Association (ELHA) has announced that the curtain has fallen on its themed, innovative and distinctive annual and performance reports.
Elderpark Housing has thrown a Big School Dinner at Govan's Hills Trust School to celebrate the restoration of the building as the Association's new offices. Hills Trust School, near Glasgow's Govan Cross, has been unoccupied for many years. It is a landmark building which previously educated thousa
More than 300 properties are to be built on an old industrial site between the Gorbals and Govanhill.
The pipeline of homes in Scotland’s Build to Rent (BTR) sector has increased by a third in the past year to reach more than 7,200, according to a new report. The latest research from property firm Rettie & Co found that 4,000 homes are due to be delivered in Glasgow, with around 2,000 in E
Winchburgh Developments Limited (WDL) has agreed a new contract with Robertson Homes to sell land to the housebuilder for 53 new four-, five- and six-bed homes.
Katie Pentland has completed her traineeship with Fife Council's housing service. Originally from Freuchie, Katie has obtained full-time full-time employment with the council working as a housing professional specialising in fuel poverty.
West Dunbartonshire Council is preparing to launch a public consultation to gauge public opinion on best ways to manage relationships with the Traveller community.
The UK Government has launched a £30 million UK-wide competition to spark a tech revolution in countryside communities and help rural Britain seize the opportunities of 5G technology.
Partick Housing Association (PHA) has begun a new project to build 24 new flats for social rent. The Association is due to build the new affordable homes in the West End site, Laurel Street in Partick.
Planning approval has been granted in principle for a major new residential neighbourhood for Cumbernauld.
More than a third of members of Scottish Housing Regulator’s National Panel of Tenants and Service Users have experienced difficulties in affording their rent and more than two-thirds are concerned about the future affordability, a new report has found.
In its response to the Scottish Parliament’s local government and communities committee’s call for evidence on the long-term financial sustainability of local government, CIH Scotland has highlighted the vital contribution that the housing sector makes towards achieving all of the Scotti
New guidance has been launched today to help social landlords and local authority housing providers offer a safer and more consistent approach to domestic abuse – the number one cause of women and children’s homelessness in Scotland.
The East Ayrshire town of Mauchline is set to benefit from a multi-million-pound housing development specially designed for its older residents. The 14-unit development, which will be similar to the Lillyhill Gardens development in Kilmarnock, will ensure that older and vulnerable people can remain
John Gray, who has died aged 88 after a period of ill health, was a former Glasgow Corporation, Glasgow District, Strathclyde Regional and Glasgow City councillor representing South Maryhill and environs from 1965 to 2007. Over five decades of public service, his contribution to his local community