The Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) has urged Dundee landlords to attend a Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) event to learn more about Universal Credit. The membership body for private rented sector landlords said attendees will learn about Universal Credit and what it means for the
A series of tests will be made on homes in Clydebank in an attempt to reduce the impact of aircraft noise.
Robust financial planning has put Perth and Kinross Council in a good position to tackle a projected budget shortfall of £52 million over the next five years but it must continue to drive forward improvements, the Accounts Commission said today.
A drop-in event is being held in Maryhill Burgh Halls this weekend that will provide information on an innovative self-build project in that part of Glasgow.
Disabled home-seekers are experiencing significant emotional distress due to a lack of suitable housing, according to leading housing experts.
Tenants' union Living Rent held a symbolic 'lock-in' at Glasgow City Council on Tuesday and sent a letter of demands urging the local authority to take responsibility for asylum seekers facing eviction via lock changes by Serco.
A judicial review of Glasgow City Council's homelessness strategy is unlikely to result in meaningful change, solicitors have said. Shelter Scotland is preparing to take the city's council to court unless it ends the practice of “unlawfully” denying homeless people temporary accommodatio
Celebrations continue at Kingdom Housing Association during its 40th Anniversary year with news that the Kingdom Group has been accredited as a Living Wage Employer. The Living Wage commitment will see everyone working across the Kingdom Group receive a minimum hourly wage of £9.00, significan
Cunninghame Housing Association (CHA) has marked the completion of phase 1 of its first new homes build in Gretna. The new build project has taken place at the former Halcrow Greyhound Stadium. The site will accommodate 90 houses, with phase 1 providing 47 new homes, phase 2 delivering 43 and phase
Port of Leith Housing Association is staging a community bake-off as part of its Annual General Meeting. Named 'Leith's Big Bake Off', the event next month will have contestants comprising of tenants, locals, members of the Association and independent bakeries in Leith.
CIH Scotland’s policy and practice manager Ashley Campbell, outlines a new framework, developed in partnership with CIH Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s ihub and Alzheimer Scotland, which aims to help housing organisations record the work they are already doing to support peop
In this new interview for CIH Scotland, George Walker, chair of the Scottish Housing Regulator, offers his thoughts on the new regulatory framework for social housing which came into force in April 2019. Q1. Can you explain to our members what you see as the main changes, challenges and opportunitie
Total Homes Co-operative, a new Scottish social enterprise, has been shortlisted for four awards within just a few weeks. As a coalition of reuse and recycling organisations, the Total Homes Co-operative members work together to collect, recycle, upcycle and reuse furniture and household goods withi
Miller Homes has announced its interim results today as the housebuilder prepares to consult on plans to deliver more than 200 homes on a former university campus on the outskirts of Barrhead. Planning permission is being sought to create 233 homes on the University of the West of Scotland’s T
A master's student at the Heriot-Watt School of Textiles and Design has designed a clothing range to help people sleeping rough. Titled 'The Homely Pack', the project by Dundee-based Callum Donnan includes a selection of multi-functional clothing items intended to protect homele