West Dunbartonshire Council will today consider the development of a short-stay site to accommodate additional members of the Gypsy/Traveller community during the summer months.
Thenue Housing has unveiled who is to be its next head of property services. Eleanor Derbyshire has been appointed succeeding Beth Reilly who retires at the end of August after 28 years.
The Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF) has announced five new members to its board following its AGM at the end of last week. Eight candidates were standing for seven available places with the current chair Helen Moore from Reidvale Housing Association and vice-chair C
Southside Housing Association has received £537,215 in funding from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) for a green space development project in Cardonald. During a community event at Queensland Court and Gardens, local residents and representatives from Scottish National Heritage, which manages t
Eildon Housing Association has launched a brand-new fleet of electric vehicles.
Elderpark Housing Association has provided brand new football strips to Elderpark Football Club. The team of young footballers in Govan were supplied with a new strip bearing the Elderpark Housing name, as the Association sponsored the club for another year.
Free financial advice service Money Talk Team has helped low-income households save more than £6 million, the Scottish Government has revealed.
Housebuilder Persimmon has reported a dip in profits as a focus on improving its quality of homes and services saw a decrease in the number of homes sold.
North Lanarkshire Council has asked tenants to participate in a survey to voice their priorities for housing and how they would shape future services. The council has argued that by completing the 18 question survey, tenants can partake in the development of housing's services and have the opportuni
West Dunbartonshire Council has established a new budget consultation to allow residents to have more say in how their money is spent.
Proposed changes to stamp duty land tax rates and ways of charging will not address housing issues and could make things worse, a property management firm has argued. Apropos by DJ Alexander said that the recent suggestions given by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Chancellor Sajid Javid a
Home Group in Scotland has been chosen to lead the redevelopment of the original Glasgow Meat Market.
Proposals for more than 800 homes have been included in a masterplan for the transformation of Cowlairs in north Glasgow into a “growing, green and healthy neighbourhood”.
The steps needed to bring land back into productive use and prevent future sites from being abandoned have been published in a new report.
A new report from the Scottish Housing Regulator has provided an insight into people's experiences of using homelessness services. The research investigates what makes the biggest positive difference for people’s experiences. The common themes are suitable and safe accommodation, acc