The Welsh Government is to team up with the Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru (CIH Cymru) in a new partnership which aims to increase the scale of council housebuilding.
Four Highland communities in Sutherland, Caithness, Ross and Cromarty and Lochaber have had their requests for land and buildings to be leased or transferred over to them approved by the local authority. At the Highland Council's environment, development and infrastructure committee yesterday, membe
Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association is warning its tenants on Skye against sub-letting their homes amid increasing tourist visits to the island and the soaring use of short-term letting.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has updated its regulation plan for Cadder Housing Association as the landlord works to improve its governance.
The City of Edinburgh Council’s homelessness task force will reconvene today to address how city-wide services can best help some of the most vulnerable people in Edinburgh, including those who are rough sleeping.
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has challenged parliamentary under-secretary of state for welfare delivery Will Quince MP to address the “major concerns” it has regarding social security delivery. The organisation has written to Mr Quince after his responsibilities
The old adage that ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ has never been truer than for an excellent crop of young apprentices who joined Waverley Housing in 2015 on the first step toward their chosen careers.
Young people are taking the lead in a pioneering project to create a community space for them to use in Linwood. Some of the team behind the initiative at the former post office at Clippens Road
Two housing associations sprang into action to make sure families enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon after a run was cancelled due to heavy rain. The fun-run planned by Linthouse Housing Association and Elderpark Housing was halted at short notice following the downpour last Friday but the event was qui
Landlords of rented properties in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire are being praised for renting responsibly after SafeDeposits Scotland researched rates of landlords failing to protect tenants’ deposits. The research found only 17 cases relating to properties with AB postcodes of landlords bei
URE Energy’s licence to supply electricity is to be revoked after the supplier failed to meet its Renewables Obligation for 2017-2018.
Life expectancy in Scotland has increased over the past three decades but has stalled in recent years, according to a new report.
Proposals to improve standards of accommodation and ensure that no homeless household spends long periods of time in unsuitable accommodation are to be supported but the Scottish Government must provide adequate support, resources and time for local authorities to meet new obligations, according to
Another milestone has been reached at Scotland’s Housing Network (SHN) as the RSL membership now totals 100 thanks to six new members joining in recent months. Established in 1995, the Network now has 132 members representing, for the first in its history, all 32 local authorities and 100 hous
Aberdeen City Council has selected Chap Group to deliver a major new development of council homes.